Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Breaking Back In

I haven’t updated in quite some time, since my life has been…well, busy. I can’t remember the last time my life turned into this series of left and right hustling, but it’s definitely a great one-eighty. All of the things I’ve placed on my plate as of the last two months have not only been productive towards my life, but immensely rewarding. I’m not sure where to start, but to record as much as I can muster, I’ll start from the most noteworthy and go from there.

This decision is surely one that draws the most criticism, and the ever-so-popular shake of the disapproving head. I’ve moved out of my last apartment and into a new place that I now share with my significant other, Kathleen. This is a definite first in my book and - not so surprisingly – has been far from overwhelming (at least in the I-want-to-rip-out-my-hair sense). Other than for the better, it hasn’t changed nor deterred our relationship. All hands on deck, no regrets whatsoever, all chips in, and I couldn’t be any happier.

With going back to school coming up, the internships I have under my belt, my book and all else that makes up my quite stimulating life, I left my last job for one that was a far better fit for me – actually, this could be by far the best one I’ve ever had. And again, I couldn’t be any happier.

Now, I had a (massively interesting) back story about the newly acquired group of friends I’m about to mention and was going to blog about it, but felt that too much time had passed since (I’m just lazy, really - maybe I’ll still go forth with doing so after this post). I love how they’re mutual friends between Kathleen and I, and although only knowing them for such a short amount of time, I’ve really come to see them as genuine friends I’d know I’d hate losing. Either way, I enjoy their company and the time we’ve spent so far.

So, it’s summer now, and the aforementioned group of friends and I have covered making the most of it by beach hopping, gallery viewing, ghost hunting and torturing poor Denny’s servers. All’s left is going to shows, and as it’s concert season, I should start buying tickets.

Well, that's it for now. I swear, I'm going to get back into the habit of posting regularly, especially with new work/pieces. And the content is going to be a lot better - apologies for the poorly written blog.

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